Tell us about Birchware:
In a world fighting climate change, toxins in the air and water, as well as massive waste in our landfills, we propose to be eco-friendly. Our product is made only and completely from birchwood. The birch trees used are sustainable from the Daxing’anling Forest, the largest forest in China. Birchware utensils are FDA approved for food contact, able to withstand heat beyond 200 degrees, and 100% compostable.
What inspires you in the company?
Having started working for the company a little over a year ago now, I am proud to say I work for Birchware! Our product is so eco-friendly, I actually cringe to use plastic, or even to see it being used; I know that plastic will most probably go straight into the landfill. Having worked years ago in a plastic factory, I really appreciate the option we provide.
When making Birchware are solvents used? How are your utensils manufactured?
There are no solvents and no chemicals in the manufacturing of our product. They are sterilized using only high temperature steam, and then pressed into form.
Let’s chat about composting! Tell us a bit about it, and how it can benefit our planet:
Composting! One of my favourite subjects! Composting enriches the soil with nitrogen and carbon; suppresses water run-off; provides natural, organic fertilizer for plants; and saves us from adding more waste into our landfills. It’s absolutely easy to do, fun, and not expensive at all! In composting, there is a need for water, air, and soil—which is why you have to turn it every so often and sometimes water it. I personally just let the rains take care of mine. Anything that was a plant can be composted!
How biodegradable is your Birchware?
Funny you should say biodegradable, meaning it’s capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other biological means. Since our product is 100% compostable, it will completely break down by natural means. Being biodegradable sometimes requires outside help such as chemicals or enzymes to cause the breakdown. In roughly 60 days, depending on the climate and weather, our product becomes a natural part of the soil—just like the trees. In fact, you can add our product to your yard pile if you’d like.
Can people purchase your product from any stores in Canada or the USA, or online through your own store?
You can order our product through our website: We are also listed through Amazon. We are still a fairly small business, so we aren’t in every store yet—most of our orders come from online, and we do ship.
To follow Birchware, please visit their social media links below:
Website: Click here.
Twitter: Click here.

**Crystal Knutson** is the passionate founder of the **Eat Clean Sharing Community**, a dynamic digital space where people come together to stay accountable and eat healthier! A decade ago, Crystal launched this community as a way to make more informed food choices and realized that education sparks a deeper responsibility for what we eat.
With food reviews, mouthwatering healthy recipes, and fun challenges, Crystal has transformed the website into a lively personal health journal that inspires everyone. As a member, you’ll dive into exciting discussions, share your own journey, and connect with others who are just as pumped about clean eating. Join the **Eat Clean Sharing Community** and let’s make healthy eating an adventure, together!
My love for writing shines through in the health-related articles I craft, each designed to be both useful and informative. I delve into the latest trends, tips, and research to provide you with valuable insights into the world of clean eating.
I also enjoy conducting interviews with industry experts and innovators who have impactful messages, products, or services to share. Through these conversations, I aim to highlight the incredible work being done to promote healthier lifestyles and provide inspiration for our community.
Join me on this journey towards better health and well-being, one clean meal at a time.
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