Kick-starting new healthy choices isn’t always the easiest thing to do, let’s face it.
Why? It has a little something to do with our old habits that are so hard to break. It also has to do with other issues we face which I’ll touch on too in this article.
What habits might get in the way of healthier choices?
… Maybe it is a bag of chips or a chocolate bar, or a couple cans of pop a day that you enjoy and just don’t want to give up?
The thing with old habits is a lot of the time we have made them a part of our daily routines. It is important then to look at what is behind our habits that we consistently partake in… A lot of times habits come with underlying feelings we crave such as comfort, security, and they also offer consistency. Not all habits are unhealthy, yet the ones that are, we should look at replacing them with better choices. How do we go from chocolate bars and cookies to fresh veggies though? Check out our solutions at the base of this article!
Other issues that may create road-blocks to a healthier you?
Finding Balance when Eating Healthier!
One of my good friends brought up the issue of staying on track when eating healthier foods.
“It’s been knowing what to eat and keeping balance without going totally overboard and depriving myself (which then ends in a binge)”. G Lipschitz
Sound familiar? Eating healthier foods, while still indulging here and there really is one of the biggest issues people face. Honestly, there is such temptation in our society to indulge in rich delicious foods. Having the right mind-set when it comes to eating is very important then. I will be doing another article on tips and tricks to healthier eating coming up that I use to keep on track myself… Stay tuned.
Another issue people face when wanting to start into a healthier lifestyle: lack of sleep.
Not getting a lot of sleep makes feeling great a challenge. It also makes loosing some extra pounds, and having those annoying dark circles virtually impossible to get rid of.
“Sleep!! I am always tired and I choose sleep over breakfast and the gym.” M Fincham
I can relate! This past evening I finally had a decent sleep. My toddler has been up constantly this past couple of weeks due to being sick and then his teeth bothering him. Sleep matters, and for whatever reason you aren’t getting it, the end result is that it impacts your health and any health plans you are trying to start.
Special Events!
Yes, holidays and special events can seriously put a halt to your new health regime, and goals.
“A lot of my pilates clients struggle with staying on track when they have weddings to go to, holidays, etc. xx” “ ~ M LaFortune.
Having a plan before you attend these special events is key to not over indulging. Even writing down why you are trying to eat healthier foods, or drink less alcoholic beverages is important in keeping your healthier choices you are actively making a-float. Make it a game to find the healthiest foods at the buffet, or the least sugar filled desserts. Opt for fruits and salads along with lean protein sources when available at events. That way, you don’t necessarily have to put a limit on how much food, and the fibre will fill you up quicker than high carb and rich foods that we tend to over indulge in at events. There are even more ideas mentioned below in our Solutions section!
Finding the time, period.
Another friend mentioned the issue of having no time, period. A lot of people would think right off this is a cop-out, yet it is anything but that! As you’ll see below, this woman is a power and is doing everything she can to get herself and her family ahead. Having time theses days is becoming more of an issue than ever before. It isn’t just a mind-set issue; it is reality. We only do have so much energy to go around… How we choose to spend our time is critical, and some things do fall to the wayside.
“Finding time… I have 3 jobs, going to school, and being the main caregiver to 2 cutie petuties. I go to the gym at 4:30am now… so I am tired… so tired I don’t think I ever really new what tired meant. Lol. I really want to meal prep, but can’t find the time. Instead, I find I throw together food that my family loves, but calorically it’s not good, but I’m too tired to make separate meals.” S Fincham
In starting to become healthier, finding time to rest is as important as time to eat well. This is easier said than done…
And, this brings me to Meal Planning and Prepping.,!
More than one friend mentioned how they have struggled with the idea of meal planning. Preparing meals for the week ahead seems to be a big step in the right direction though when trying to kick- start a healthier lifestyle.
More than one friend mentioned how hard meal prep., was… Getting in the habit alone is a challenge, and finding time is also an issue. Then there are those friends who are at a loss as to how to even meal prep., What and how do you properly meal prep was something that came up.
“I struggled with cooking my own meals and bringing in lunch to work all of the time so I wouldn’t eat junk. Once I got in the habit of meal prep., it got much easier! Just takes time to make it stick.” A Bayles
Lastly, relationships and food sabotaging!
Another major issue when trying to kick-start a healthier lifestyle are those close friends or family members who don’t want you to make the change to a healthier you. Yes, they are used to feeding you junk food, and they don’t want to change themselves and how they interact with you…
They are the people who always offer you junk food and bring you cake even when you have mentioned you are trying to eat clean. This might just be one of the hardest issues to contend with when trying to become healthier. Healthy changes in your life can be a challenge and this is as true for yourself, as those around you.
Above I’ve addressed some of the big issues people face when trying to live a healthier existence… Yet, what about solutions to these issues that have been mentioned?
All to often an article stops short of how to solve problems that have been exposed. It is like a documentary that shares how big of an issue something is without a solution. Therefore, below I have added some solutions to these issues above!
Here is a link on how to change your habits to healthier ones, just click here!
Tips on how to avoid binge eating, just click here!
Tips on getting more sleep, click here!
Tips on how to get extra time in your day, click here!
How to continue eating healthy foods, while attending special events, click here!
How to Meal Prep., and Plan for the coming week, click here!
Tips on deterring a food sabotager, click here!
You could also Join a Health Club?!
On a side note, Healthy Dine Out has partnered with “The Health Bug” to offer some Health Plans in a group online environment! Yes, it is an online health club that currently offers three different Health Plans for an individual to help jumpstart their health journey. If interested, click here to go to the website. As we are affiliated with this business’s health plans, let me know if you’d like to have a free consultation “in the comments area” below the article.
At the least, join their FB Community for health tips, mindset tips, exercise tips, healthy living tips, and yummy clean recipes! Being a part of a group is yet another great way to have support while making healthy life choices and transitions! Cool side note, we will also be sharing group members healthy recipes in our recipe section of our website too.
Thanks for stopping in today. I hope the information has been relatable and useful.
25 Reasons Why a Good Night’s Sleep is Essential from
**Crystal Knutson** is the passionate founder of the **Eat Clean Sharing Community**, a dynamic digital space where people come together to stay accountable and eat healthier! A decade ago, Crystal launched this community as a way to make more informed food choices and realized that education sparks a deeper responsibility for what we eat.
With food reviews, mouthwatering healthy recipes, and fun challenges, Crystal has transformed the website into a lively personal health journal that inspires everyone. As a member, you’ll dive into exciting discussions, share your own journey, and connect with others who are just as pumped about clean eating. Join the **Eat Clean Sharing Community** and let’s make healthy eating an adventure, together!
My love for writing shines through in the health-related articles I craft, each designed to be both useful and informative. I delve into the latest trends, tips, and research to provide you with valuable insights into the world of clean eating.
I also enjoy conducting interviews with industry experts and innovators who have impactful messages, products, or services to share. Through these conversations, I aim to highlight the incredible work being done to promote healthier lifestyles and provide inspiration for our community.
Join me on this journey towards better health and well-being, one clean meal at a time.