Spices that are surprisingly high in antioxidant capacity that you want to incorporate into your diet!
So today we’re going to cover some really amazing spices from an antioxidant perspective.
Yes, some spices have even more anitoxidants than fruits and vegetables. I personally add Cinnamon into my smoothies in the morning and love the many added benefits. That being said, like everything you consume, have these spices in moderation.
Cloves are full of antioxidants. These compounds help your body to fight, free radicals, and if you don’t know this free radicals damage your cells and can lead to disease by removing free radicals from your system. The antioxidants found in cloves can help reduce your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and even certain cancers.
Cloves contain a compound called Eugenol, which has been shown to act as a natural antioxidant.
What’s amazing is that in a test tube study they found that eugenol stopped oxygen damage caused by free radicals, even five times more effectively than vitamin E another potent antioxidant.
Compounds in Oregano, mainly carvacrol and thymol, have mainly been attributed to the antibacterial and antioxidant properties of oregano. Fresh oregano has a very high antioxidant contact insect, unlike fruits and vegetables, which you would assume would have a higher antioxidant content. Oregano is much higher than most fruits and vegetables gram program. Oregano is considered a medicinal herb, the long lasting list of health benefits.
Cinnamon is loaded with powerful antioxidants, including polyphenols. A recent study found that adding cinnamon into your diet daily, could help increase antioxidant levels in the blood by reducing levels of markers, used to measure information such as the c- reactive protein.
Cinnamon has also been known to lower blood sugar levels, boost your metabolism, aid in great skin, help treat cancers, lower your blood pressure, and reduce inflammation all over the body.
It is definitely true that cinnamon is a multi facetted medicinal plant that is excellent to add into your diet.
Ginger is full antioxidants. These are compens again that prevents stress and damaged your bodies DNA do you want antioxidants in your body to help fight chronic diseases like her blood pressure and heart disease and diabetes even diseases of the lungs plus antioxidants promote healthy ageing.
Ginger root contains very high levels of total antioxidants, which is only surpassed by pomegranate and some other berries. Six gingerol is the most abundant, pungent component of ginger helping with nausea, and even vomiting.
What about Garlic?
Yes, it is very high in antioxadants, yet it technically isn’t a spice. Yes, it falls botanically into the vegetable category.

**Crystal Knutson** is the passionate founder of the **Eat Clean Sharing Community**, a dynamic digital space where people come together to stay accountable and eat healthier! A decade ago, Crystal launched this community as a way to make more informed food choices and realized that education sparks a deeper responsibility for what we eat.
With food reviews, mouthwatering healthy recipes, and fun challenges, Crystal has transformed the website into a lively personal health journal that inspires everyone. As a member, you’ll dive into exciting discussions, share your own journey, and connect with others who are just as pumped about clean eating. Join the **Eat Clean Sharing Community** and let’s make healthy eating an adventure, together!
My love for writing shines through in the health-related articles I craft, each designed to be both useful and informative. I delve into the latest trends, tips, and research to provide you with valuable insights into the world of clean eating.
I also enjoy conducting interviews with industry experts and innovators who have impactful messages, products, or services to share. Through these conversations, I aim to highlight the incredible work being done to promote healthier lifestyles and provide inspiration for our community.
Join me on this journey towards better health and well-being, one clean meal at a time.
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