There has been a lot of debate of late whether skipping breakfast will harm your health or not…
There is no doubt what we put in our mouths affects our overall health. And, how we look and feel to a very large extent is dependant on what we consume.
Yet, what is the overall ruling on eating your breakfast regularly?
Each morning we start our day with a choice of what we will eat. And then there is the question of whether we are even going to have time for breakfast?

Breakfast scene. Honey pouring into a cereal bowl. © Julián Rovagnati
ID 3400454 | Dreamstime Stock Photos
In my opinion, having breakfast is by far one of the smartest choices we can offer ourselves to start our day off on the right path. I’m not alone, yet it is controversial, as you’ll find out.
From Consumer Reports”Breakfast eaters tend to have better diets overall, consuming more fruit, vegetables, milk, and whole grains than non-breakfast eaters.” 1
Yet, so many people skip breakfast for differing reasons.
I know my spouse is constantly guilty of this… He wakes up before he hungry at 5:30 am, and won’t eat sometimes until lunch or even dinner. I, on the other hand have to eat a hearty breakfast, as I need to keep my blood sugar levels up, or I will get hypoglycaemia. That word is fancy for low blood sugar; not a great thing to experience.

blue alarm clock. © Piotr Antonów
ID 3325207 | Dreamstime Stock Photos
Other reasons people miss the best meal of the day…
To name a few:
1. They are to rushed to eat breakfast.
2. There aren’t the right foods for breakfast in the fridge.
3. Small children needing support, and the day just drifts on until you realize you’ve missed your morning meal.
4. No appetite yet…
5. Waking up to late and lunch or brunch is your starting meal of the day, and so it goes…
Another point of view on breakfast: as long as you don’t over eat later in the day to compensate for your missed meal, and you don’t have a heath issue like I do where I benefit from keeping my glucose levels consistent, than your health won’t greatly be affected by a missed morning meal.
Meal timing is just that, a time we set to eat food, and some people will even practice intermittent fasting where breakfast is to be avoided. I’m not one of those people.
Yes, there are people who skip it, as part of the detoxification process that is involved with fasting.

coffee. © Lucian Muset
ID 1992585 | Dreamstime Stock Photos
Here is an interesting article on the myth around skipping breakfast, and how doing so is not great for our health,
click here.
Overall, I love eating breakfast, and find as a mom after my toddler is fed and nourished, it is the most relaxing meal of the day.
You could call me a fluid grazer, as I’ll make a smoothie to start and then try an egg and have a peace of toast over an hour or so.
Is skipping breakfast bad for you? Depends who you ask. I know personally my body does very well with consistent daily meals due to my hypoglycaemia. Ask my husband though and he will say he doesn’t need it at all.
If you are interested in devising your own plan to Eating Healthy within say a month, than here is a great tool.
Click here. It isn’t about weight loss, as it is more about healthy eating to be within a healthy weight. I know I wouldn’t skip breakfast myself, as I find it is a healthy habit I have created and also live by. I’m comfortable with the 3 meal a day experience. To look more into why a habit based meal to meal lifestyle isn’t a bad idea further and to read more into what a healthy eating system is and isn’t here is a great article,
click here.

**Crystal Knutson** is the passionate founder of the **Eat Clean Sharing Community**, a dynamic digital space where people come together to stay accountable and eat healthier! A decade ago, Crystal launched this community as a way to make more informed food choices and realized that education sparks a deeper responsibility for what we eat.
With food reviews, mouthwatering healthy recipes, and fun challenges, Crystal has transformed the website into a lively personal health journal that inspires everyone. As a member, you’ll dive into exciting discussions, share your own journey, and connect with others who are just as pumped about clean eating. Join the **Eat Clean Sharing Community** and let’s make healthy eating an adventure, together!
My love for writing shines through in the health-related articles I craft, each designed to be both useful and informative. I delve into the latest trends, tips, and research to provide you with valuable insights into the world of clean eating.
I also enjoy conducting interviews with industry experts and innovators who have impactful messages, products, or services to share. Through these conversations, I aim to highlight the incredible work being done to promote healthier lifestyles and provide inspiration for our community.
Join me on this journey towards better health and well-being, one clean meal at a time.
Sharing is caring!