Keto For People
Thank you Chelsea Carne from “Keto For People” for doing this article with us and shedding more light on the Keto Diet. A lot of people are thinking about doing a ketogenic diet, and hearing from someone who is on the Keto Diet will help people debating about trying it. Let’s jump in!
For those that don’t know what Keto, or in long form Ketosis is, what is it, and why does it work for people?
For people with healthy immune systems and those who aren’t pregnant, ketosis is the normal metabolic state the human body enters when it switches from fuelling your body with glycogen to using your own stored fat for energy. Glucose is produced by your body when you consume high-carbohydrate foods, such as those high in sugar and starchy foods. If you drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake, your body will begin to burn your own fat stores for energy.
The reason the diet works for me is because of the high amounts of healthy fats and moderate amounts of protein I can consume.
Foods that are high in healthy fats and protein such as nuts and seeds, eggs, fish and seafood, leafy greens and most dairy are incredibly satisfying, and I don’t crave foods high in carbohydrates because of that.
Curious, do you still eat sugary things sometimes? And, if so, do you have cravings for them after you have had carbs?
I try not to eat sugary things very often, but I will sometimes. Flexibility is key in a balanced lifestyle and eating habits. That doesn’t mean I don’t eat sweet things quite often! By this I mean there are many alternatives to high-carb sweetener sources (such as refined sugars and syrups) that don’t have calories or spike your blood sugar levels but taste just the same. I have quite a few recipes for absolutely delicious desserts and baked good that are low carb that taste just as good as the real thing.
If I do eat a sugary treat, what happened after to me is not an increase in cravings. Rather, I find that my brain becomes foggy and I experience an inability to focus and articulate my thoughts coherently.
I’ve been surprised at how profound the brain fog is if I eat something that kicks me out of ketosis.
How long do you foresee staying in a Ketogenic state? Has this way of eating become a way of life for you now?
Unless something happens that causes me to want or need to go off it (like a medical problem or something), I plan on staying keto for life! I love the way I feel while being keto.
There are so many benefits to being in ketosis: the mental clarity, feeling inspired and energized, not feeling bloated anymore, plus a host of other surprise benefits.
For example, as soon as I went on the keto diet a mysterious and extreme itch I used to have on my left ankle has gone, and never come back. I also sleep much better. I also find that because I’m not spiking my blood sugar levels all day long anymore, I never get those crashes anymore. In fact, I never really get to a place where I feel extremely hungry – more just a “I could eat,” state.
Are there any tips you have for others who are wanting to explore this way of eating?
The keto flu is real, but you can do something about it!
Basically, what happens is that when you reduce your carbohydrates you will lose a lot of water. This is because every gram of carbs carries with it between four and seven grams of water.
This is why people see a dramatic weight loss right away when starting the keto diet; they’re losing water weight. But with that water goes minerals your body needs, which can cause an electrolyte imbalance in your body. A lot of people report symptoms like headaches, dizziness, irritability, and nausea to name a few.
For me, it caused nasal congestion that lasted for a month before I figured it out.
You have to really make sure your potassium levels stay high to counteract the dehydrating effects of ketosis which causes the keto flu. Increase your intake of salts like Pink Himalayan and sea salts, and eat lots of leafy greens. I recommend taking a potassium supplement, as well. Molkosan is a good one. Finally, try to consume half of an organic lemon over the day, and have the other half in a glass of water right before bed. My friend Nedra Lukas, Natural Living Manager at Planet Organic in Edmonton, AB made this recommendation to me and not only has it worked like a charm, but it also has really been cleansing for me.
Please let us know how people can connect and reach out to you?
I’ve just launched my blog! Check me out at ketoforpeople.ca. You can also connect with me on Facebook at facebook.com/ketoforpeople, Instagram at @keto.for.people, and YouTube at, click here!

**Crystal Knutson** is the passionate founder of the **Eat Clean Sharing Community**, a dynamic digital space where people come together to stay accountable and eat healthier! A decade ago, Crystal launched this community as a way to make more informed food choices and realized that education sparks a deeper responsibility for what we eat.
With food reviews, mouthwatering healthy recipes, and fun challenges, Crystal has transformed the website into a lively personal health journal that inspires everyone. As a member, you’ll dive into exciting discussions, share your own journey, and connect with others who are just as pumped about clean eating. Join the **Eat Clean Sharing Community** and let’s make healthy eating an adventure, together!
My love for writing shines through in the health-related articles I craft, each designed to be both useful and informative. I delve into the latest trends, tips, and research to provide you with valuable insights into the world of clean eating.
I also enjoy conducting interviews with industry experts and innovators who have impactful messages, products, or services to share. Through these conversations, I aim to highlight the incredible work being done to promote healthier lifestyles and provide inspiration for our community.
Join me on this journey towards better health and well-being, one clean meal at a time.